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г. Тверь, ул. Советская, д. 11
‎+7 (4822) 36-10-76

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Historic background

The City of Tver is justly called one of the most ancient Russian cities. Already in the first third of the ХII century a fortress appeared in the mouth of the Tvertsa River. It was destined to become a prototype of Tver. In 1246, Tver became the capital of the Tver Principality.

By the end of the ХIII - beginning of the ХIV centuries, it was already a big handicraft and trading center. The city started developing especially fast at the end of the ХIХ century: manufactories were built and new plants were opened there.

By the beginning of XX century, in 1926, Tver became a city with developed diversified industry.

At present, Tver is a big administrative, industrial and cultural center of the Upper Volga area and the center of Tver Region.
