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Geographic location of the city

There are many disputes as to whether the geographic location of the city is beneficial or not. On the one hand, we need to admit that position of the city between Moscow and St. Petersburg is extremely beneficial from the economic point of view. On the other hand, closeness to the capital cities creates big difficulties because both of these megalopolises drain the human, financial and finally economic potential of Tver.

The city occupies territory bigger than 147 square kilometers. It is situated 167 kilometers from Moscow and 485 kilometers from St. Petersburg. The Kalininskaya Morainic Ridge approaches Tver from the south. The climate is temperate continental: the average temperature of January is -9.6 0С, the average temperature of July is +18.2 0С, the average precipitation is 593 mm per year. Tver is located on the coasts of the Volga, Tvertsa, Tmaka, Lazur and Sominka rivers. The contemporary territory of the city includes some natural forest parks: Komsomolskaya, Pervomaiskaya, Bobachevskaya and Berezovaya groves and Sakharovsky park (in 1982 they were declared state nature reserves).

With Moscow the city is connected with three transport routes: railway, automotive and water ones.
The favorable geographic location resulted in high concentration of wholesale trade companies in the city. Tver has good preconditions for obtaining of benefits from its location on the trading and political landscape of Europe.